June 2008

New ASM Background Processes in 11G

Few hours back I installed Oracle Database 11g(Though still DB is yet to be created), so I started playing with the ASM instance. First thing I did was to check ASM alert.log. I used ADRCI (11g) to see it

adrci> show incident

ADR Home = /u03/app/oracle/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM:
0 rows fetched

adrci> show alert

ADR Home = /u03/app/oracle/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM:
Output the results to file: /tmp/alert_9572_1_+ASM_1.ado
"/tmp/alert_9572_1_+ASM_1.ado" 48 lines, 1964 characters
PMON started with pid=2, OS id=3672
DIAG started with pid=4, OS id=3678
<strong>VKTM started with pid=3, OS id=3674
VKTM running at (100ms) precision</strong>
2008-06-24 15:24:12.425000 +05:30
PSP0 started with pid=5, OS id=3680
<strong>DSKM started with pid=6, OS id=3682</strong>
<strong>DIA0 started with pid=7, OS id=3684</strong>
MMAN started with pid=6, OS id=3686
DBW0 started with pid=8, OS id=3689
LGWR started with pid=9, OS id=3691
CKPT started with pid=10, OS id=3694
SMON started with pid=11, OS id=3700
RBAL started with pid=12, OS id=3702
GMON started with pid=13, OS id=3705
ORACLE_BASE from environment = /u03/app/oracle
<strong>Spfile /u03/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/dbs/spfile+ASM.ora is in old pre-11 format and compatible &gt;= 11.0.0; converting to  new H.A.R.D. compliant format.</strong>

I have highlighted the things which were not present in 10g. According to Docs

DIA0 (diagnosability process 0) (only 0 is currently being used) is responsible for hang detection and deadlock resolution.

VKTM (virtual keeper of time) is responsible for providing a wall-clock time (updated every second) and reference-time counter (updated every 20 ms and available only when running at elevated priority)

These were the definitions from docs. Oracle should have been more generous and also documented following

DIA0 – Does that mean we will have auto SystemState/Hanganalyze generated during hang? Will ORA-60 be handled by this process?

VKTM – What does this mean to us? Will this timer be used in 10046 timing information? Will it ensure Oracle Scheduler run jobs on time 🙂

DSKM – This is still not documented.

Last message kind of indicates that spfile is also made H.A.R.D complaint. So it should take care of corruptions.

I have created more confusion rather than explaining what these processes actually do 🙂 Anyways if you have any information, then it will be really nice if it can be shared…Thanks for Reading !! ASM installation on Solaris fails -II

Some time back, I had written about CSS service not starting in my post ASM installation on Solaris fails -I

After doing some research, I came across Metalink Document

Note:397238.1 – How to Convert init.cssd as a SMF service for Solaris 10

This document talks about using Service Management Facility (SMF) which was introduced in Solaris 10. To configure it we have to download a zip file from the note and copy two files called initcssd to /lib/svc/method/initcssd and copy the second file initcssd.xml to /var/svc/manifest/site and some other steps (as listed in doc)

1) Install Oracle Software on Solaris 10

2) Download files from Note: 397238.1. Once done, modify the files accordingly and copy to the required location.

3) Do the configuration and then enable the service.

<strong># svcadm -v enable initcssd</strong>

After doing this, still service does not start.

# ps -ef|grep css
    root 29137  3793   0 14:54:39 ?           0:00 /bin/sh /lib/svc/method/initcssd run
    root 29188 26874   0 14:54:50 pts/9       0:00 grep css

Note talks about checking the content of content of file /var/opt/oracle/scls_scr/<Your-hostname>/root/cssrun file.

But when I tried to check, I found that directory does not exists.

# cd /var/opt/oracle/scls_scr/
 cd: /var/opt/oracle/scls_scr/: No such file or directory
# cd /u03/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/bin/
<strong># ./crsctl start crs</strong>
Attempting to start Oracle Clusterware stack
Failure at scls_scr_create with code 1
Segmentation Fault (core dumped)

Actually this directory is created when we run ‘localconfig add’ which will configure the socket files and directories.

<strong># ps -ef|grep css</strong>
    root 29137  3793   0 14:54:39 ?           0:00 /bin/sh /lib/svc/method/initcssd run
# pwd
<strong># ./localconfig add</strong>
Successfully accumulated necessary OCR keys.
Creating OCR keys for user 'root', privgrp 'root'..
Operation successful.
Configuration for local CSS has been initialized

Cleaning up Network socket directories
Setting up Network socket directories
Adding to inittab
Startup will be queued to init within 30 seconds.
Checking the status of new Oracle init process...
Expecting the CRS daemons to be up within 600 seconds.
Cluster Synchronization Services is active on these nodes.
Cluster Synchronization Services is active on all the nodes.
Oracle CSS service is installed and running under init(1M)
<strong># ps -ef|grep css</strong>
  oracle 29137  3793   0 14:54:39 ?           0:00 /u03/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/bin/ocssd.bin

Now just for fun, I thought of disabling the SMF and trying the configuration again.

# ./localconfig delete
Stopping Cluster Synchronization Services.
Shutting down the Cluster Synchronization Services daemon.
Shutdown request successfully issued.
Shutdown has begun. The daemons should exit soon.
Cleaning up Network socket directories

Disable the SMF
# svcadm -v disable initcssd
svc:/system/initcssd:default disabled.

Now again add CSS service

# ./localconfig add
Successfully accumulated necessary OCR keys.
Creating OCR keys for user \'root\', privgrp \'root\'..
Operation successful.
Configuration for local CSS has been initialized

Cleaning up Network socket directories
Setting up Network socket directories
Adding to inittab
Startup will be queued to init within 30 seconds.
Checking the status of new Oracle init process...
Expecting the CRS daemons to be up within 600 seconds.

Giving up: Oracle CSS stack appears NOT to be running.
Oracle CSS service would not start as installed
Automatic Storage Management(ASM) cannot be used until Oracle CSS service is started

Enable the initcssd SMF service

<strong># svcadm -v enable initcssd</strong>
svc:/system/initcssd:default enabled.
# ps -ef|grep css
  oracle  2589  3793   1 15:14:31 ?           0:00 /u03/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/bin/ocssd.bin

Cool!! CSS Service has started again 🙂

Note:397238.1 says that problem occurs only after rebooting the service and not during installation. May be document needs to be updated for Oracle 11g on Solaris 10. I would suggest anyone installing Oracle 11g on Solaris 10 should try using these steps. I will try to add a remark to the note. Apart from that Article is quite good.

ORA- 4031 – A Case Study

Today I will be taking up one ORA-4031 issue we faced on one of our client database. Please note that SQL statements mentioned below have been changed and does not reveal any confidential information.

Our client was facing ORA-4031 on a 9.2 database.This was a new Database which had gone Live recently. Following error messages were recorded in alert log.

ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-04031: unable to allocate 4200 bytes of shared memory ("shared pool","select    owner#,name,namespace...","sga heap(1,0)","library cache")

Initial shared pool at time of failure was 160 Mb. After the failure the shared_pool_size was increased to 1 Gb. We did not have any other information and were asked to perform RCA for the same. Luckily we had Statspack configured on the server, so we took a report for the duration when the error occurred.

              Snap Id     Snap Time      Sessions Curs/Sess Comment
            --------- ------------------ -------- --------- -------------------
Begin Snap:     1000 15-Apr-08 06:32:06  #######       4.6
  End Snap:     1001 15-Apr-0806:53:41  #######       4.6
   Elapsed:               21.58 (mins)

Cache Sizes (end)
Buffer Cache:     2,048M      Std Block Size:          8K
Shared Pool Size:       160M          Log Buffer:     32,768K

Load Profile
~~~~~~~~~~~~                Per Second       Per Transaction
                           ---------------       ---------------
    Redo size:              2,459.98              2,911.95
    Logical reads:              6,447.76              7,632.40
    Block changes:                  8.31                  9.83
    Physical reads:              3,642.28              4,311.47
    Physical writes:                  0.80                  0.95
    User calls:                106.51                126.08
    <strong>Parses:                151.48                179.31</strong>
    <strong>Hard parses:                 11.08                 13.12</strong>
    Sorts:                 91.50                108.31
    Logons:                  1.41                  1.67
    Executes:                283.09                335.10
    Transactions:                  0.84

We can clearly see that lot of hard parses were occurring at the time of error.

Library Cache Activity for DB: TESTDB1  Instance: TESTDB1
 Snaps: 1000 -1001-&gt;"Pct Misses"  should be very low

                         Get  Pct        Pin        Pct               Invali-
Namespace           Requests  Miss     Requests     Miss     Reloads  dations
--------------- ------------ ------ -------------- ------ ---------- --------
BODY                   1,564    1.9          2,903   62.9        469        0
CLUSTER                6,827    0.0          9,011    0.1          0        0
INDEX                  9,376   62.8          9,375   63.7          5        0
SQL AREA              77,058   11.0        442,341    5.2      <strong>6,723 </strong>       0
TABLE/PROCEDURE       72,495   10.4        135,173   24.2      <strong>8,291</strong>        0
TRIGGER                2,288   14.9          2,288   49.5        218        0

Also looking at information from V$LIBRARYCACHE, we can see that there were lot of reloads happening for SQL AREA and TABLE/PROCEDURE Namespace. This gives indication that Shared Pool is not appropriately sized. So we kind of expected this to be a shared pool sizing issue.

But after increasing the shared_pool_size to 1 Gb, we saw that memory for “sql area” was increasing. So as to avoid further ORA-4031, we started flushing the shared pool when the free memory reached to 200M.

NAME                                  BYTES
    -------------------------- ----------------
 <strong>free memory                     597,154,376</strong>  &lt; -large amount of free, was done after flushing shared pool
<strong>sql area                        315,365,096</strong> &lt; - High value
library cache                    82,229,616
miscellaneous                    81,476,336
gcs resources                    39,331,928
gcs shadows                      26,133,184

Whenever I observe high memory usage for Sqlarea, I run following sql statements.

1) 10g

<strong><span style="color: #3366ff;">SQL&gt; select sa.sql_text,sa.version_count ,ss.*from v$sqlarea sa,v$sql_shared_cursor ss where<span> </span>sa.address=ss.address and sa.version_count &gt; 50 order by sa.version_count ;</span></strong>


<strong><span style="color: #3366ff;">select sa.sql_text,sa.version_count ,ss.*from v$sqlarea sa,v$sql_shared_cursor ss<span> </span>where sa.address=ss.KGLHDPAR<span> </span>and sa.version_count &gt; 50<span> </span>order by sa.version_count ;</span></strong>

– This one is to find if child cursors are being generated. To know about child cursors, refer to following Metalink note

Note 296377.1 – Handling and resolving unshared cursors/large version_counts

We did not get any SQL in this category.

2) Use script from Asktom website to find if application is using Bind variables. You can find ,more information by clicking here

This returned quite a few statements

    INSERT INTO EMP (columnname, columnname, columnname, columnname, columnname, columnname, columnname, columnname, columnname, columnname, columnname ,columnname) VALUES ('#', TO_DATE('#','#'), @, '#',
    @, @, @, '#', @, @, @,     @, @, @, @, @)          <strong>1948</strong>

    DELETE FROM EMP WHERE EMPID=@          <strong>1976</strong>

    INSERT INTO EMP (columnname, columnname, columnname, columnname) VALUES (@, @, '#',    @, NULL , @)          <strong>1976</strong>

    DELETE FROM EMP WHERE TYPE=@ AND EMPID=@          <strong>1976</strong>

     INSERT INTO DEPT VALUES (@, '#', '#', TO_DATE('#','#'), SYSDATE)

    DELETE FROM DEPT WHERE DEPTNO=@ AND DEPT_ID=@ AND MGR=@ AND SAL='#'          <strong>2375</strong>

    INSERT INTO SALARY (columnname, columnname, columnname, columnname, columnname, columnname, columnname) VA LUES (@, @, @, '#', '#', @, TO_DATE('#','#'), TO_DATE('#','#'), @, @)          <strong>2377</strong>

We can clearly see that statements not being shared and thus causing the high memory usage in shared pool.

Each sql statement in shared pool will be occupying some memory. If the sql are similar and differ only in literal, then they should be shared as otherwise they will occupy lot of extra space. By not sharing the statements, we are wasting space in shared pool and causing shared pool fragmentation.

Solution again is to use Bind variables or CURSOR_SHARING.

Can ASM DiskGroup Be Renamed?

This was actually a question on Oracle forum which I had replied to. Basically the Poster, wanted to know if he could rename the ASM Diskgroup name by renaming/editing ASM Disk header. He had also mentioned that he had heard about this being done by Oracle for its few customers using kfed.

Answer is NO. It is not possible to rename the diskgroup by editing the ASM disk header. kfed is known to be used for patching ASM disk headers for corruption (only oracle support can do it) and for viewing ASM header contents. Only way to change this by dropping and recreating the diskgroup.

In case you wish to create a new diskgroup with a name say +DG1 which was being used by a Diskgroup which is not mounted (Have some ASM Disk members still in ASM_DISKSTRING path), then you would face following error

    <strong>ORA-15030</strong>: diskgroup name "string" is in use by another diskgroup
    <strong>Cause:</strong> A CREATE DISKGROUP command specified a Diskgroup name that was already assigned to another diskgroup.
    <strong>Action: </strong>Select a different name for the Diskgroup.

In case you wish to create the Diskgroup with same name +DG1 you will be required to clear the ASM disk header using

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/raw/raw11 bs=1024 count=100

After this you can recreate the Diskgroup with same name.

One Poster suggested renaming at LUN/Storage level. I believed this to be a destructive idea which could corrupt the Diskgroup. nvengurl replied to this and informed that we read ASM disk header to mount the Diskgroup and thus changing the LUN name/id/path will not solve the issue.

Update: This article is valid for 10g and 11gR1. Since 11gR2 oracle has introduced renamedg utility which can be used to rename diskgroup. I have documented the steps here ASM installation on Solaris fails -I

Looks like that there is no easy way for me to install/configure Oracle components. And every install/configuration leads me to some or the other problems. Anyways I was trying to install Oracle Database 11g on a Solaris 10 but the CSS does not seems to come up. While issuing localconfig add as root user it gives following message and fails

-bash-3.00# ./localconfig add
Successfully accumulated necessary OCR keys.
Creating OCR keys for user 'root', privgrp 'root'..
Operation successful.
Configuration for local CSS has been initialized

Cleaning up Network socket directories
Setting up Network socket directories
Adding to inittab
Startup will be queued to init within 30 seconds.
Checking the status of new Oracle init process...
Expecting the CRS daemons to be up within 600 seconds.

Giving up: Oracle CSS stack appears NOT to be running.
Oracle CSS service would not start as installed
Automatic Storage Management(ASM) cannot be used until Oracle CSS service is started

On checking further for css log messages in $ORACLE_HOME/log/hostname/client , I found following messages

Oracle Database 11g CRS Release - Production Copyright 1996, 2007 Oracle. All rights reserved.
2008-06-18 21:38:29.721: [ CSSCLNT][1]clsssInitNative: failed to connect to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(<strong>KEY=OCSSD_LL_test1zone2_</strong>))
, rc 9

On checking the /var/adm/messages file , found following errors

Jun 18 01:16:23 test1zone2 root: [ID 702911 user.error] Oracle Cluster Synchronization Service starting by user request.
Jun 18 01:16:25 test1zone2 root: [ID 702911 user.error] Cluster Ready Services completed waiting on dependencies.
Jun 18 01:16:35 test1zone2 last message repeated 9 times

/var/tmp/.oracle does not show any files created after running localconfig add. These are called Socket files and CSS uses these for communication.I suspect this to be a issue.
I checked our Linux machine (with RAC) and found that we have some files and one of them is named as

srwxrwxrwx  1 oracle oinstall 0 Jun 11 22:10 <strong>sOCSSD_LL_prod01_</strong>

This is quite similar to the error message in css.log files i.e KEY=OCSSD_LL_test1zone2_

As this is a test machine so I cant raise a ticket with Oracle. Currently posted a thread on Oracle Forum. Let’s see if someone is able to figure out something. I will keep you posted. If anyone is interested in reading how these sockets work then they can visit this article from Frits Hoogland.