
Azure BLOB Storage As Remote Backend for Terraform State File

Terraform supports team-based workflows with its feature “Remote Backend”. Remote backend allows Terraform to store its State file on a shared storage
so that any team member can use Terraform to manage same infrastructure. A state file keeps track of current state of infrastructure that is getting
deployed and managed by Terraform. Read more about Terraform state here.

The remote shared storage can be:
– Azure Blob
– Amazon S3
– Terraform Cloud

In this post I will be using VSCode to:
-Login using Azure account named “terraform” (this account has only been assigned storage-contributor role)
-Use Azure service-principal configuration in Terraform
-Configure Terraform to store state-file on Azure Blob storage to create an Azure resource group

As a first step to demonstrate Azure service-principal usage, login as terraform user from azure portal and verify that this user doesn’t have privileges to create a resource group.

Now, to login as terraform user in Azure, open VSCode and click on View => Command Palette and type Azure: Sign Out

By this, you are making sure to logout of any previous Azure session. Now, click Azure: sign-in  command palette, it will open a browser and ask you to sign-in, use the Azure account(terraform) created for this sign-in purpose.  You will see the username at the bottom of VSCode.

We will now be configuring the already created Azure service-principal in Terraform (refer to my previous blog post). The service-principal looks like below after it is created, and it is important to note down these details for a service-principal:

These values of Azure service-principal map to the Terraform variables as below: (Click here to read more about it in Terraform document)

appId = Client-id in Terraform
password = client-secret in Terraform
tenant = tenant-id in Terraform

We will configure these login details in Terraform using file. Defining variables can be done in a single step or by using input variable file to hold the variable names and using variable definition file (.tfvars). Terraform automatically loads variable definition files if :
– File name is exactly terraform.tfvars
– File names ending with .auto.tfvars

For more on Terraform variables refer to Terraform-Variables

Configuring Terraform files

Created a folder on your PC with name “tfstate” to hold, and terraform.tfvars files.

variable “azure_app_id” {
description = “Azure App Id for Service Principal”
type = string
Variable “azure_password” {
description = “Azure Password for service principal”
type = string
Variable “azure_tenant_id” {
description = “Azure tenant for service principal”
type = string
variable “azure_subscription_id” {
description = “Azure subscription-id for service principal”
type = string



terraform {
backend “azurerm” {
resource_group_name = “RGaskdba”
storage_account_name = “soodstore”
container_name = “container4terraform”

provider “azurerm” {
version = “~>2.0”
client_id = var.azure_app_id
client_secret = var.azure_password
tenant_id = var.azure_tenant_id
subscription_id = var.azure_subscription_id
features {}
resource “azurerm_resource_group” “test” {
name = “terratestRG”
location= “Australia Southeast”

A “Backend” in Terraform determines how the state is loaded, here we are specifying “azurerm” as the backend, which means it will go to Azure, and we are specifying the BLOB resource group name, storage account name and container name where the state file will reside in Azure. “Key” represents the name of state-file in BLOB.

This code will create a resource group named terratestRG in Australia Southeast region.

Once these files are created in “tfstate” folder, go to VSCode and open the folder using File =>Open Folder => tfstate , click command palette and run “Azure: Terraform init”

A pop-up will appear asking  to “Open Cloud Shell” click yes.

It has initialize azurerm backend and installed required plugins for azure and it will copy all the local terraform files in tfstate folder to Azure file-share.

Click on Azure :Terraform Plan in Command Palette, following plan will be created.


It has initialized a plan to create mentioned resource group and at the same time we can see that Terraform state-file “DEV_TFSTATE” is created in the specified container

Click on Azure :Terraform Apply in Command Palette and it will create the resource group.

Azure resource group is created using VSCode, Azure service-principal and placing Terraform state-file under Blob storage.

Azure Infrastructure Automation With Terraform: Configuration

In this article I will explain how to configure Terraform to automate Azure infrastructure deployments.

There are multiple ways to configure Terraform to work with Azure, I prefer following two:

  • Configuring “Azure Terraform” Visual Studio Code(VSCode) extension.
  • Configuring Terraform using Azure Cloud Shell.

“Azure Terraform” VSCode Extension:


Azure Subscription: If you don’t already have an Azure Subscription, create one.

Terraform: Install and configure Terraform

Visual Studio Code: Install VSCode

Node.js: This is required to get Azure login page from VSCode. To download click here.  To verify the installation, run node -v  from a terminal window. It may ask you to execute node -c, you have to do it otherwise the Azure login page will not appear.

GraphViz: This is optional, used to get graphical interpretation of Terraform init, plan etc. If you need to, download and install GraphViz  

Installing Azure Terraform VSCode extension

Launch Visual Studio Code and select Extensions


In search extension type @installed to check which extensions are already installed in you VSCode

Search Azure Terraform in extension search box

Select Install, when you install this extension, Azure Account extension will be automatically installed in your VSCode. Use @installed in the search box to get list of installed extensions


Here you will see Azure Terraform and Azure Account are installed for you to use.


Configuring Terraform using Azure Cloud Shell

Prerequisite is only to have an Azure subscription. If you are opening Azure CLI for first time, it will ask for a mounted file share, if you don’t have it already, it will ask you to create it and will be mounted as clouddrive under you $HOME directory. Click on highlighted icon to launch Azure cloud shell.


Install Terraform: Cloud Shell automatically have latest version of Terraform installed, so there are no additional installation steps required.

NOTE: Automation tools like Terraform should always have restricted permission and use azure service principal to authenticate themselves.

Now we will create a service principal for Terraform, which it will use to login to Azure subscription.

From Azure cloud shell run following command:

 $ az account show    (This will list your subscription-id )

 $ az ad sp create-for-rbac –role=”Contributor” –scopes=”/subscriptions/<your-subscription-id>” –name=”SPterraform”   

Above command will create a service principal named SPTerraform.

The randomly generated password can’t be retrieved, so make sure to save it. Now, login using this service principal:

$ az login –service-principal -u “http://SPTerraform” -p “password-shown-above” –tenant “tenenat-shown-above”

You have logged-in as a service principal to run Terraform and Azure CLI is ready to use. 

This complete the basic setup to run Terraform with Azure, In my upcoming posts I demonstrate how to use this setup to write Terraform code using “Azure CLI” & “Azure Terraform” VSCode.