Monitoring archive generation for every hour

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    • #1932
      Amit Bansal

      You can use following query for monitoring archive generation on hourly basis

      set linesize 140
      set feedback off
      set timing off
      set pagesize 1000
      col ARCHIVED format a8
      col ins    format 99  heading "DB"
      col member format a80
      col status format a12
      col archive_date format a20
      col member format a60
      col type   format a10
      col group#  format 99999999
      col min_archive_interval format a20
      col max_archive_interval format a20
      col h00 heading "H00" format  a3
      col h01 heading "H01" format  a3
      col h02 heading "H02" format  a3
      col h03 heading "H03" format  a3
      col h04 heading "H04" format  a3
      col h05 heading "H05" format  a3
      col h06 heading "H06" format  a3
      col h07 heading "H07" format  a3
      col h08 heading "H08" format  a3
      col h09 heading "H09" format  a3
      col h10 heading "H10" format  a3
      col h11 heading "H11" format  a3
      col h12 heading "H12" format  a3
      col h13 heading "H13" format  a3
      col h14 heading "H14" format  a3
      col h15 heading "H15" format  a3
      col h16 heading "H16" format  a3
      col h17 heading "H17" format  a3
      col h18 heading "H18" format  a3
      col h19 heading "H19" format  a3
      col h20 heading "H20" format  a3
      col h21 heading "H21" format  a3
      col h22 heading "H22" format  a3
      col h23 heading "H23" format  a3
      col total format a6
      col date format a10
      -- select * from v$logfile order by group#;
      -- select * from v$log order by SEQUENCE#;
      select max( sequence#) last_sequence, max(completion_time) completion_time, max(block_size) block_size from v$archived_log ;
      SELECT instance ins,
      log_date "DATE" ,
      lpad(to_char(NVL( COUNT( * ) , 0 )),6,' ') Total,
      lpad(to_char(NVL( SUM( decode( log_hour , '00' , 1 ) ) , 0 )),3,' ') h00 ,
      lpad(to_char(NVL( SUM( decode( log_hour , '01' , 1 ) ) , 0 )),3,' ') h01 ,
      lpad(to_char(NVL( SUM( decode( log_hour , '02' , 1 ) ) , 0 )),3,' ') h02 ,
      lpad(to_char(NVL( SUM( decode( log_hour , '03' , 1 ) ) , 0 )),3,' ') h03 ,
      lpad(to_char(NVL( SUM( decode( log_hour , '04' , 1 ) ) , 0 )),3,' ') h04 ,
      lpad(to_char(NVL( SUM( decode( log_hour , '05' , 1 ) ) , 0 )),3,' ') h05 ,
      lpad(to_char(NVL( SUM( decode( log_hour , '06' , 1 ) ) , 0 )),3,' ') h06 ,
      lpad(to_char(NVL( SUM( decode( log_hour , '07' , 1 ) ) , 0 )),3,' ') h07 ,
      lpad(to_char(NVL( SUM( decode( log_hour , '08' , 1 ) ) , 0 )),3,' ') h08 ,
      lpad(to_char(NVL( SUM( decode( log_hour , '09' , 1 ) ) , 0 )),3,' ') h09 ,
      lpad(to_char(NVL( SUM( decode( log_hour , '10' , 1 ) ) , 0 )),3,' ') h10 ,
      lpad(to_char(NVL( SUM( decode( log_hour , '11' , 1 ) ) , 0 )),3,' ') h11 ,
      lpad(to_char(NVL( SUM( decode( log_hour , '12' , 1 ) ) , 0 )),3,' ') h12 ,
      lpad(to_char(NVL( SUM( decode( log_hour , '13' , 1 ) ) , 0 )),3,' ') h13 ,
      lpad(to_char(NVL( SUM( decode( log_hour , '14' , 1 ) ) , 0 )),3,' ') h14 ,
      lpad(to_char(NVL( SUM( decode( log_hour , '15' , 1 ) ) , 0 )),3,' ') h15 ,
      lpad(to_char(NVL( SUM( decode( log_hour , '16' , 1 ) ) , 0 )),3,' ') h16 ,
      lpad(to_char(NVL( SUM( decode( log_hour , '17' , 1 ) ) , 0 )),3,' ') h17 ,
      lpad(to_char(NVL( SUM( decode( log_hour , '18' , 1 ) ) , 0 )),3,' ') h18 ,
      lpad(to_char(NVL( SUM( decode( log_hour , '19' , 1 ) ) , 0 )),3,' ') h19 ,
      lpad(to_char(NVL( SUM( decode( log_hour , '20' , 1 ) ) , 0 )),3,' ') h20 ,
      lpad(to_char(NVL( SUM( decode( log_hour , '21' , 1 ) ) , 0 )),3,' ') h21 ,
      lpad(to_char(NVL( SUM( decode( log_hour , '22' , 1 ) ) , 0 )),3,' ') h22 ,
      lpad(to_char(NVL( SUM( decode( log_hour , '23' , 1 ) ) , 0 )),3,' ') h23
      FROM   (
      SELECT thread# INSTANCE ,
      TO_CHAR( first_time , 'DD-MON-YY' ) log_date ,
      TO_CHAR( first_time , 'hh24' ) log_hour
      FROM   v$log_history

      11g introduces PIVOT function which lets you write cross-tabulation queries that rotate rows into columns, aggregating data in the process of the rotation. For 11g it can be re-written as

      col 00 heading "00" format  999
      col 01 heading "01" format  999
      col 02 heading "02" format  999
      col 03 heading "03" format  999
      col 04 heading "04" format  999
      col 05 heading "05" format  999
      col 06 heading "06" format  999
      col 07 heading "07" format  999
      col 08 heading "08" format  999
      col 09 heading "09" format  999
      col 10 heading "10" format  999
      col 11 heading "11" format  999
      col 12 heading "12" format  999
      col 13 heading "13" format  999
      col 14 heading "14" format  999
      col 15 heading "15" format  999
      col 16 heading "16" format  999
      col 17 heading "17" format  999
      col 18 heading "18" format  999
      col 19 heading "19" format  999
      col 20 heading "20" format  999
      col 21 heading "21" format  999
      col 22 heading "22" format  999
      col 23 heading "23" format  999
      select * from (
      SELECT thread# INSTANCE ,
      TO_CHAR( first_time , 'DD-MON-YY' ) log_date ,
      TO_CHAR( first_time , 'hh24' ) log_hour ,count(*) num_arch
      FROM   v$log_history where first_time >sysdate -7 group by thread# ,TO_CHAR( first_time , 'DD-MON-YY' ),TO_CHAR( first_time , 'hh24' ) )
      pivot (sum (num_arch) for log_hour in (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23)) order by log_date,instance;
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