
cursor: pin S wait on X

Few weeks back thread came up on oracle-l freelist regarding “cursor: pin S wait on X” event . Tanel Poder replied to this thread with excellent explanation. You can read full thread here


This wait happens when your session wants to examine / execute an existing
child cursor – but it’s being pinned in X mode by someone else. The usual
reasons for this are:
1) The cursor got flushed out for some reason (or it’s just the first time
anyone is running it) and the other session is currently hard
parsing/compiling/loading the contents of this cursor back into library
cache. The longer the parsing/loading takes, the longer you wait. If the
parsing session hits some (performance) issues, this pin may be held for a
long time.


2) The child cursor is already loaded into cache, but someone else is
currently flushing it out (shared pool shortage, fragmentation & loading of
a big object, SGA target / ASMM reducing the SGA size).

So as explained above, this could be seen as side affect of setting SGA_TARGET in environment. I have also observed this behavior in RAC system where shared pool (>10G) is under pressure and LCK0 process is trying to release memory which causes lot of processes to wait for this event. At this time database is completely hung. “cursor:pin S wait on X” might be reported for lot of sessions but we should see if shared pool free memory is less and try to fix it.

Connections to DataBase Hang Including “/ as sysdba”

Recently I faced one issue where all the connection to database hung and it was also not possible to login to database using “/ as sysdba”.
To get access of sqlplus I used the following syntax:

$ sqlplus -prelim / as sysdba

With “prelim” option we can run some commands which will help in collection useful information about the problem.

This will work only in Oracle 10g and higher version.

After successfully getting connected run the following commands to generate Hanganalyze and systemstate traces:

SQL> oradebug setmypid

SQL> oradebug unlimit

SQL> oradebug dump systemstate 266

SQL> oradebug tracefile_name

— This will give you the name of the tracefile generated.

SQL > oradebug dump hanganalyze 2

SQL > oradebug tracefile_name

To analyze these trace files one should be aware of Metalink Note: 215858.1.

After analyzing these files I found that following event was active and causing the hang:

<span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: small;">"resmgr:cpu quantum"
Cmd: PL/SQL Execute

It means that the sessions are waiting for their turn on CPU.

This event occurs when resource manage is active and controls the allocation of CPU to processes.

We can also see the command which is causing all this: i.e some PL/SQL code was executing and spnning on for CPU.

After finding out this, checked with “TOP” command, got the PID of the process consuming all the cpu and killed that process with “kill -9”

After killing that process the users were able to connect.

So the cause of the Hang was found i.e PL/SQL, but it is still unknown why  PL/SQL caused problems. 🙂


Saurabh Sood