In this post, I will share issue faced while working with function based index in PostgreSQL . I was performing database migration from Oracle to PostgreSQL and used AWS Schema Conversion Tool(SCT) for converting the database schema.AWS Schema conversion tool takes care of automatically converting schema from one database engine to other. You can get more information about it on AWS documentation or AWS Database Blogs articles
AWS SCT converted a function based index but while executing ddl in PostgreSQL, it failed to execute with error
“ERROR: functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE”
-- Oracle Index DDL
-- PostgreSQL DDL (Recommended by SCT)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX student_idx1 ON student
WHEN 1 THEN CONCAT_WS('', student_id::TEXT, '-', course_id::TEXT)
As per PostgreSQL docs, function could be of 3 types
Volatile – It can return different results on successive calls with the same arguments
Stable – It is guaranteed to return the same results given the same arguments for all rows within a single statement
Immutable – It is guaranteed to return the same results given the same arguments forever
Let’s understand this with example. In below example, we are using current_timestamp function and output would change based on client timezone setting
postgres=> set timezone to 'US/Pacific';
postgres=> select current_timestamp;
2018-01-17 20:22:32.023775-08
(1 row)
postgres=> set timezone to 'UTC';
postgres=> select current_timestamp;
2018-01-18 04:22:46.227855+00
(1 row)
Current_timestamp is tagged as STABLE, since their values do not change within a transaction but it will change in next transaction even though input is same.
But Immutable function won’t change result. e.g Below two sql will give same result
select * from emp where empid=4
select * from emp where empid = 2+2
In PostgreSQL, function/expression used to create function based index needs to be immutable i.e function is guaranteed to return same results on giving same arguments to avoid data corruption.
We can identify whether function is immutable/stable by quering pg_proc view . Value of provalite field will indicate the type
SELECT proname, provolatile, proargtypes, proargtypes[0]::regtype AS argtype, prosrc FROM pg_proc WHERE proname like 'concat%';
proname | provolatile | proargtypes | argtype | prosrc
concat | s | 2276 | "any" | text_concat
concat_ws | s | 25 2276 | text | text_concat_ws
(2 rows)
Definition from docs
provolatile tells whether the function’s result depends only on its input arguments, or is affected by outside factors. It is i for “immutable” functions, which always deliver the same result for the same inputs. It is s for “stable” functions, whose results (for fixed inputs) do not change within a scan. It is v for “volatile” functions, whose results might change at any time. (Use v also for functions with side-effects, so that calls to them cannot get optimized away.)
We can see that concat and concat_ws are listed as stable function and their value can depend on client setting. E.g setting parameters like extra_float_digits will impact the output of concat function
postgres=> select concat(1.0000000000003::float8,56);
(1 row)
postgres=> set extra_float_digits TO 3;
postgres=> select concat(1.0000000000003::float8,56);
(1 row)
We were able to workaround by creating new function with immutable type which accepts input as text
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION immutable_concat ( text, text, text, text ) RETURNS text AS 'SELECT $1 || $2 || $3 || $4;' LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE;
New index statement
ON student
WHEN 1 THEN immutable_concat('', student_id::TEXT, '-', course_id::TEXT)
This article is for AWS users using EC2 instances. Summary: Please backup your AWS EC2 Key file and you will never have to go through below pain 🙂
AWS allows you to create a key-pair which can be downloaded on your machine and it is used for logging into your EC2 instance.
I had been using the same for accessing the EC2 instance for this blog. But last week my corporate laptop was upgraded and I took backup of all files except this key file.
I didnt realize this until saturday when I wanted to login to my EC2 instance. When I couldn’t find the file, I thought of downloading it again from AWS console.
But it was no where to be found. I searched and found out that we can’t download this file again.
Only solution to this problem is to create new EC2 instance with new key pair and then move site . I have documented high level tasks which can be used to restore. These steps are performed on AWS micro instance and its assumed that all your files are lying on EBS volume. My earlier article on AWS setup can be used for configuring EC2 instance.
1. Create new ec2 instance with new key-pair and make multiple backup copies of this key file and store at multiple location. Next install apache,php,mysql or any other component required for your site. Its better to create EC2 instance in same region as your old instance like us-east-1a.
2. Assign new elastic ip address to this EC2 instance.
3. If your site is working then you can login to wordpress panel and take mysql backup which can be restored to the new ec2 instance. I use WP-DBManager plugin for mysql backups.
4. Next take snapshot of your existing ec2 volume (hosting blog document directory) . This has to be done via EC2 dashboard ->Elastic Block Store ->Snapshots .This has to be in same region as new EC2 instance as we will be mounting the volume. On completion of snapshot, create a new volume out of this snapshot.
5. We need to attach this volume to new EC2 instance. Go to EC2 dashboard ->Elastic Block Store ->Volumes. Choose the new volume and actions->attach volume and choose new EC2 instance name. Give volume name as /dev/xvdh
6. Within seconds, you should see this volume in your EC2 instances. e.g
cat /proc/partitions
major minor #blocks name
202 1 8388608 xvda1
202 112 8388608 xvdh
7. Create a new directory and mount this volume
#mkdir /newdir
#mount /dev/xvdh /newdir
8. You can copy your blog files from /newdir/var/www/html (document root). Also any config files can be restored from old machine.
9. Import the mysql database from mysql dump
10. Once this is done, you can test whether your site is working fine.
UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, 'http://oldsite', 'http://ec2-instance-name') WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl';
UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = replace(guid, 'http://oldsite','http://ec2-instance-name');
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, 'http://oldsite', 'http://ec2-instance-name');
This way you can verify if site is working fine. Once done restore back the old name by modifying above sql or reimporting the mysql db.
11. Final step is to switch site to new EC2. I am using cloudflare for DNS management which allows instant propagation of DNS change.So I assigned new elastic IP to this EC2 instance and changed my DNS record to point to this new EC2 instance.
Other option could be that you can disassociate your old elastic IP from old EC2 and attach to the new EC2 instance.
Last Month I had moved my blog hosting from Dreamhost to Amazon Web Services(AWS). I decided to change hosting provider as my blog suffered 17 outages (as per pingdom report for month of December 2012)
Response time
2359 ms
Dreamhost mentioned that my wordpress processes were running out of memory (30M) and it was being killed by their memory manager. They recommended to either uninstall some of plugins or move to Virtual Private server at additional cost of $15 per month (300M memory)
At this point I decided to explore other hosting providers. I had read about Amazon web service and searching on internet revealed articles detailing setup (mentioned in reference section below). I decided for AWS as it provides free account for 1 year which was fine for me to test
Setting up AWS EC2 Instance
To start with we need to create AWS account at Amazon offers one full free year of AWS use and offers micro instance (with 613M memory) as part of package. You can refer to AWS free tier usage page to know details about services part of this package
After you create a account and login , click on EC2 page and then Launch Instance. We need to create a EC2 (Virtual Instance) for starting our work. Use Classic Wizard
I selected Amazon Linux AMI 2012.09 (64-bit) option
Select Instance Type as T1.Micro Instance Type
Micro Instance allows only EBS volume
Provide a tag for server so that you can identify your servers distinctly
We need to create a key pair for connecting to EC2 instance. I have already created key pair and going to use it. You can also create a new key pair. Once you are done creating key pair and you have to download the keys and save it on desktop. Important note: Preserve this key as if you loose you cant download the key again and will loose access to EC2
Choose Security group (can use default)
Final confirmation screen lists down option selected. Launch instance
Once we launch instance, this will start a Virtual machine and would have Public DNS name like
This is ok if we are accessing hosts but we can’t use it for assigning web address.To fix this, we need to allocate IP address. We need to go to Elastic IP’s page and click on “Allocate New Address”. Next select the IP and associate the IP address with the Virtual Machine
We can see that we have IP allocated to the Virtual Machine.
To access the machine, we need to use the private keys downloaded earlier.
We need to Secure mysql database. This is required as we need to avoid remote root connections and remove anonymous user.
Use following options:
Enter current password for root: Press return for none
Change Root Password: Y
New Password: Enter your new password
Remove anonymous user: Y
Disallow root login remotely: Y
Remove test database and access to it: Y
Reload privilege tables now: Y
To install WordPress, type:
cd /var/www/html
tar -xzvf latest.tar.gz
mv wordpress weblog
Create the WordPress wp-config.php file:
cd weblog
mv wp-config-sample.php wp-config.php
vi wp-config.php
Modify the database connection parameters as follows:
If we try accessing , this will not work. To make this work, we need to modify the “Security Group” and add HTTP/HTTPS rule. Once done we can use the website
Migrating WordPress Data
After the wordpress default setup is done, we need to migrate the mysql data and wordpress files from existing installation.
1)Take backup of mysql database using mysqldump or phpadmin tool.
Note: – If you have set mysql backup plugin and have been getting emails, ensure that all tables are selected in backup. I did mistake of not checking it and there were few tables which were missing.
Then import data using phpadmin or mysql command. Below we are importing data in “blog” database
mysql -u root -ptest blog <mysql_data.sql
2) Copy all the files including plugins/themes,images from existing installation to new site.
3) Run following commands in mysql database to try out temporary site
UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, '', '') WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl';
UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = replace(guid, '','');
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, '', '');
4)Next login to WordPress Dashboard and update the permalinks setting which will fix the permalinks.
Optimizing Webhost Setup
If we run with default setup, our site would suffer downtime as server will run out of memory. We can see Out of memory errors in apache error logs. AWS EC2 instances have 613M RAM and are not configured with swap. You can configure
But instead of configuring swap, I decided to tune the apache server threads and other parameters. Following changes were made to Apache config file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
This might fail as we made changes to innodb parametes. To fix it remove /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile* files and restart mysqld again.
Now restart apache server
service httpd restart
Making actual Move
By now, you will be able to determine if everything is working fine with your site on AWS. To make actual move, take fresh backup of mysql database and restore it to new site. You can follow step 1,2 in “Migrating WordPress Data” .
Now move to your webhosting portal and go to DNS management and modify your A record and update with Amazon Elastic IP address associated with EC2 instance. DNS propogation may take some time. I have signed up with cloudflare (Free account0 and pointed my Dreamhost Name servers to cloudflare , so DNS management is done in Cloudflare and propagation happens in less then 5 mins.
You can rename your directory at old hosting site to ensure that you are not logging in at old site. Once logged in new site Dashboard, update permalinks. You are done moving your site:)
Optimizing WordPress with w3tc
W3 Total Cache is most popular caching software and is highly recommended for any website using wordpress. You can use w3tc to further optimize the wordpress by using caching and CDN.
You can cache the pages,DB queries, objects to OS so that they are served directly from cache. If using AWS or any virtual hosting you can also make use of APC(Alternative PHP Cache) to cache these files. To use it we need to first install the rpm and then restart the apache server
#yum install php-pecl-apc
You need to allocate memory to APC. It is controlled by /etc/php.d/apc.ini and shm_size parameter.
#service httpd restart
Once done, w3tc will enable opcode:Alternative PHP Cache(APC) option for caching.
You can make use of CDN network to cache images,files. This can relieve some load on your webhosting server. Amazon AWS provides Amazon Cloudfront and Amazon S3 storage.
Configuring S3 storage is easy. You go to S3 console on AWS dashboard and create a bucket.e.g Edit the properties of this bucket and add permission and grant view permission to everyone.Next go to WordPress Dashboard ->Performance ->General and choose S3 storage. Then go to Dashboard ->Performance ->CDN and enter information shown below. You can get access key and secret key from Security Credentials page
Add a cname entry in DNS portal.It should be should be alias of Next you can upload the attachments ,plugins,theme files to S3 (Find under CDN->General)
If you want files to be served with low latency, then you can make use of Amazon Cloudfront which provides caching at various data centres like US,Europe, APAC(Tokyo) and APAC(Singapore).
To setup Cloudfront, go to AWS Cloudfront console. Next click on create distribution and in origin Domain name, enter your domain. You can also use S3 storage to serve these files. Provide list of cname which you would like to use. Cname is useful as otherwise images will show url as You can specify upto 10 cname. Also create these aliases in your DNS portal (cname entries) In Price class use default i.e All locations.
Next go to Wordpress Dashboard ->Performance ->General and choose Amazon Cloudfront (under origin pull).We then need to update CDN entries as below (get Cloudfront domain name under distribution settings in AWS console).
Deployment would take around 10-15 mins.
Is Free AWS actually Free?
I had mentioned above that Amazon AWS provides free account for 1 year. But in reality it is not Free!! Reason is that Micro instance comes up with EBS volume and have 2 million I/O as monthly free quota. But I noticed that EC2 instance does I/O of 1 Million I/O daily (OS,apache,mysql takes it). This costs 0.1$ per 1 million I/O and it also reflects in my monthly Amazon AWS Billing statement with total charge of $2.57 (upto 25 Jan). So this Free account would cost $3 for month (if you use cloudfront or S3 storage, there will be additional charges)
Cost ($)
$0.10 per 1 million I/O requests
How much will it cost?
As per AWS EC2 pricing plan , if we host site in US East (N.Virginia) following rates apply
So if we go for 3 year reserved micro instance , it would cost us
Upfront payment ($100 for 3 years)
Monthly payment (30 days)
Amazon Cloudfront/S3
This would cost nearly $10 per month which is not bad (Plus additional $10 for Domain). Note that this pricing is applicable only for 3 year reserved instance and would cost more for other plans
Amazon AWS provides lot of benefit and flexibility for hosting websites . Big websites can even make use of Amazon RDS database which can provide high availability. Using AWS allows you to move to bigger servers for hosting websites very quickly (you can clone the host using EBS volume) .Downside of using AWS for wordpress blog is that you need to do lot of setup and maintenance might not be easy task.You might also experience some downtime if things are not configured properly .
This blog reflect our own views and do not necessarily represent the views of our current or previous employers.
The contents of this blog are from our experience, you may use at your own risk, however you are strongly advised to cross reference with Product documentation and test before deploying to production environments.
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