
Life Is Changed Now!!!!!

Hi All,

This time I am sharing an experience from my personal life, I got Married on 2nd Dec 2009 🙂
I was on holidays since last month and just joined back. In this time I visited beautiful Island of Koh-Samui (Thailand).
At this time finding hard to concentrate on work 🙂

Saurabh Sood

10,000 Hits – First Milestone

Hi All. Yesterday we crossed 10,000 Blog Visits on our 2.5 month old blog . Actually this blog was started 5 months back on blogger and after some time we moved to wordpress hosted blog. After moving to wordpress, we saw our blog gaining popularity with 5000+ blog visits. At that time we decided to move to our own domain. Then came up setting up of blog and creation of site which was quite a learning experience for me (Considering the fact that I did not had any experience in Web designing and just knew basic HTML).

Anyways we used WordPress for hosting the blog which has been recognized as best blogging platform till date. We moved to this address on 10 June 2008 and having 10000 hits is really great achievement for us.

Below are some Stats for our blog.

Blog Visits - 10000+

Blog Subscribers - 18

Busiest day: 350 — Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Top Posts for all days ending 2008-08-30 (Summarized)

Title	                                      Views
Oracle Database 11G Installation on Sola	744
ORA-15063 - ASM Discovered Insufficient 	488
Resolving Shutdown Immediate Hang Situat	465
Automatic Storage Management (ASM) FAQ	        394
Adding new ASM disk to RAC database fail	352
CRSCTL CheatSheet	                        322
AWE -What is It and How to use it?    	        296
ASM Disk Discovery	                        279 ASM installation on Solaris fai       	262
HW enqueue contention with LOB	                255
Simplified Approach to Resolve ORA-4031  	245

Apart from page visits, we have blog views from ORANA.info (thanks to Eddie Awad for adding this blog) and feed subscribers. Below is snapshot from feedburner

Feedburner Subscriber Stats

Feedburner Subscriber Stats

We have also started a Database Forum where people can ask questions. So in case if you have any question and you do not find any related post, then you can ask it here and we will try out best to answer it.

Thanks to all our Readers for their interest!!