DBConsole Issue on RAC -Part II

Continuing with DBConsole issue, we were able to get the cluvfy return success for the nodes.

Basically Oracle suggested us that when we use ssh we should not get any banner. E.g

[oracle@PROD01 ~]$ ssh PROD02 date
Fri Jun 13 02:00:41 IST 2008

But in our case it was displaying a banner which displayed a warning message when someone logged in Server.

As we are using Linux, we renamed file /etc/issue.net to something else and tried running cluvfy again. It was successful this time

[oracle@PROD01 ~]$ cluvfy comp nodecon -n all

Verifying node connectivity

Checking node connectivity...

Node connectivity check passed for subnet "10.X.X.X" with node(s) PROD02,PROD01.
Node connectivity check passed for subnet "192.X.X.X" with node(s) PROD02,PROD01

Interfaces found on subnet "192.X.X.X" that are likely candidates for VIP:
PROD02 eth3:192.X.X.X
PROD01 eth3:192.X.X.X

Interfaces found on subnet "10.X.X.X" that are likely candidates for a private interconnect:
PROD02 eth2:10.X.X.X eth2:10.X.X.X
PROD01 eth2:10.X.X.X eth2:10.X.X.X

Node connectivity check passed.

Verification of node connectivity was successful.

But the DBConsole issue still remains. It is still unable to find the hostname. Now waiting for Oracle 🙁