This is short posting on sql which can be used to get Hotsname,SID,Port information for databases registered in Grid Control repository. This information can be used to create a tns entries and we can further use it to run a sql on all these databases.
set pages 999 lines 200 col host for a50 col port for a10 col sid for a10 select distinct mgmt$target.host_name||'|'||sid.PROPERTY_VALUE||'|'||port.PROPERTY_VALUE from mgmt_target_properties machine, mgmt_target_properties port, mgmt_target_properties sid, mgmt_target_properties domain, mgmt$target where machine.target_guid=sid.target_guid AND sid.target_guid=port.target_guid AND port.target_guid=domain.target_guid AND machine.PROPERTY_NAME='MachineName' AND port.PROPERTY_NAME='Port' AND sid.PROPERTY_NAME='SID' AND sid.PROPERTY_VALUE not like '%ASM%' AND machine.TARGET_GUID in (select TARGET_GUID from mgmt_current_availability where EM_SEVERITY.get_avail_string(current_status)='UP') AND machine.TARGET_GUID=mgmt$target.target_guid order by 1;
Pasting a small shell script, which can be used to create tnsnames.ora
cat db_list.txt |grep -v "^$"| while read each_line do HOST_NAME=`echo $each_line |cut -d"|" -f1` ORACLE_SID=`echo $each_line |cut -d"|" -f2` PORT=`echo $each_line |cut -d"|" -f3` echo "${ORACLE_SID}.world =" >> tnsnames.ora echo " (DESCRIPTION =" >> tnsnames.ora echo " (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)" >> tnsnames.ora echo " (HOST = ${HOST_NAME})(PORT = ${PORT}))" >> tnsnames.ora echo " (CONNECT_DATA = " >> tnsnames.ora echo " (SID = ${ORACLE_SID})" >> tnsnames.ora echo " )" >> tnsnames.ora echo " )" >> tnsnames.ora echo " " >> tnsnames.ora done
We do soemthing similar but create EZconnect strings rtaher than a TNS. You are not filtering so you will get each instance of a RAC cluster and also any standby instances, probably not what you want if you are going to run a sql against each database.
Thanks John . True this would give all RAC hosts and standby instances.
We actually wanted to collect all this information i.e both standby and all RAC instances.
Yes Ezconnect is also option with 10g databases (I am not sure if it works with 10g client and 9i database).
Thanks you it’s very Usefully ….